Beizi Zhang | 张贝子

I get excited about learning, design, and helping people create stories that matter. Product designer @ Google.

Currently, Beizi is working on a variety of editing and computational photography feature projects, improving editing capabilities and enhancing user experience at Google Photos.
Jun 18 - Sep 21
Prior to Google, I built tools for emerging pros at Adobe. Worked with top talents to look after reimagining Photoshop, to help more people create what they imagine.

Remove Background β†—

The remove background tool allows the user to highlight the subject of their photo and create a transparent background, so that way users can place their new image into a variety of new designs and destinations. Place it on a colored backdrop or add a new background to put your subject in a completely new environment. Launched in April 2021.

Visual Reorder β†—

Reordering and selecting objects in a design are essential interactions for many graphics and imaging tools. There are a wide range of existing solutions to the reordering workflow. The 2.5D Visual Layer Reorder Stack Widget aims to give users more control over the objects in their creation with its intuitive user interface, fluid animations, and clear visual metaphors that educates new users. Launched in June 2021.

2015 - 2017
My Agency Life
I have become proficient in eliciting emotional reactions from my audience and creating a delightful storyline using visual language to deliver a memorable experience. My clients include: Hilton, Charles Schwab, Yili, and Nescafe China.

Yili @ Milan Expo

Summer 2015

Campaigns for NescafΓ©

2015 Q1 - Q3

The Daily
Usually, I chill with my cat after work. Sometimes, I play with my drawing pad. Recently, I've been spending more time on watercolor to recapture the fun of paper drawing.